Wednesday, December 20, 2006


I flew to Tasmania not knowing where to go, when to be somewhere etc. And even I tried I only figured that out in late morning of my supposed first day at work which was shortened by that ;-)

The Royal Hobart Hospital is a public hospital providing it services basically to everybody. A lot of people with health insurance tend to go to other hospitals.
My tasks are as divers as the people. There a topic related clinics everyday and I sit it with doctors do some diagnostics (clincs are for example: high risk pregnancies, post natal, infertility, pregnancies in women with former history of psychatric issues, alcolism, drug abuse, ...)

It is very interesting to see the mothers and those to-be's ... Australia pays like almost 3000 Euros for giving birth to a child so obviously that might encourage people to take care about increasing the birth-figures... But do we need 22-yr old mothers of 5 ?!

Well more soon, I ll start at the maternity ward tomorrow and will be there for 2 weeks...


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