Sunday, August 20, 2006


In order to see a bit more of Alasks natural treasures and beauties we went to Valdez and Prince Williams Sound for a little trip of 3 days. One way in the car takes about 5-6 hours and this time we had wonderful sunshine all the way.
The picture above shows a part of the Alaskan Pipeline - an oil pipeline about 900 miles long from Prudhoe Bay in the very North of Alaska till Valdez a souther port town where the oil is pumped onto large oil tankers. If you have a closer look you might see a well-known guy in the pic ;-))

On our way we stopped at the strangest little restaurant I have ever been to (the chef who was standing near the bar replied "I cannot be bothered now", when I tried to find out where the restrooms in that really strangely built place were) - I was a bit scared of rat gift in my food ...

We also stopped at the Worthington Glacier that is really easily accessable. You can even touch the ice masses and climb on them. To be seen on the right (above) are the Horseshoe Falls.

We stayed in a nice little pension and the next day we went on a 9 hours cruise through the fjords of Prince William Sounds.

We saw a lot of sea otters, who float most of the times on there back. Again, I could see some bald eagles. We saw sea lions and seals, some dolphins and puffins- very cute little birds, but almost to small to really see them. I m glad my zoom is working...

On our way with the boat we saw to Glaciers (text t.b.c.)


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